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Architectural Control Q & A

Do you have a question not listed on this page? Click here to send your question to the Woods Property Owners Association.

  1. Do I need The Woods POA Board’s approval to paint my house?
    • If you are changing the color of the paint on your home, then you do need board approval. If the color is the same as the existng color, you do not need board approval.
  2. Can I paint my brick?
    • You do need to submit a request form and have signed board approval to paint brick that has not been painted prior.
  3. Do I need board approval to change my roof?
    • If the shingles match the existng roof, you do not need board approval. If the shingles will be a different color than the prior roof, board approval is needed.
  4. Are sheds allowed?
    • Sheds are considered temporary buildings and are not permited in the associaton. Some homeowners have installed sheds and the board is working to have them removed. Sheds are not “grandfathered” in when purchasing a home in The Woods regardless of what a realtor may have promised.
  5. Can I have a permanent storage unit on my property?
    • Homeowners requestng to have a permanent storage building or a pool house must submit a request with plans/drawings to The Woods POA Board for approval. A permanent storage building or pool house must have the same constructon as the home – a concrete foundaton, 2X4 wood constructon, sheet rocked walls, brick exterior matching the home and a shingled roof. The structure must fit within the setback requirements of the covenants and the city, and the drawings must show the exact locaton of the structure.
  6. Can I store a boat, camper, trailer in my driveway?
    • No boat, bus, camper, camp-mobile, tractor, trailer, truck, pop-up camper, or any vehicle other than an automobile, standard size pickup or van is permited to be stored in the driveway. The covenants require them to be stored in the garage. If they do not fit in the homeowner’s garage, the item must be stored offsite.
  7. Can I park my mobile home, motorhome, travel trailer or other vehicle next to my home or in the driveway?
    • Any such vehicle, without limitaton, which cannot be stored in a conventonal garage shall be brought into the neighborhood on a permanent basis. The temporary parking of the aforementoned vehicles is allowed for a maximum period of one week.
  8. Do I need approval to replace my fence or install a new fence?
    • If the fence is replacing an existing fence, board approval is not required. The fence must be wood and no taller than 6 feet. If there has not been a prior fence, the homeowner must submit a request for the fence including a drawing of the exact location, and that it meets covenant and city setback requirements.
  9. Are fences allowed on lake-front properties?
    • Any fence installed on lake-front property must have board approval. Fences on lake-front property may not be wooden as they block lake views; rather they must be constructed of brick and wrought-iron fencing. If there has not been a prior fence, the homeowner must submit a request for the fence including a drawing of the exact location. and that it meets covenant and city setback requirements.
  10. What can be done about a homeowner’s yard that is not being maintained?
    • If at any time, an owner of any residential lot shall fail to control weeds, grass, and/or other unsightly growth, or rubbish, the Association has the authority and right to go onto the lot for the purpose of mowing and cleaning the lot and has the authority to assess and collect from the owner of the lot a reasonable sum for mowing and cleaning the lot.
  11. What are the parameters for tree removal?
    • The Woods POA covenants do not prohibit the removal of trees. Any tree on a lot, other than a tree specifically on the common grounds of The Woods POA, is the responsibility of the lot’s owner.
  12. Can I trim a tree that is growing into my property, but it is on my neighbor’s yard?
    • You may trim any branch growing onto your property to the property line. The Woods POA Board recommends neighbors discussing a tree issue between themselves. The POA does not solve tree issues between neighbors.
  13. Can I install a pool?
    • A homeowner must have a city permit and board approval prior to installing a pool. The city permit as well as drawing(s) showing the exact location of the pool on the lot and setback requirements must be submited for board review.
  14. My Realtor told me……
    • Please know that any statement and/or promise made by any realtor that is contrary to the bylaws and/or covenants is not binding. Every household in the association is legally governed by the by-laws and the covenants, not what a realtor may say or promise.
  15. How does a homeowner submit a request to the board for changes to the exterior of a home?
    • Go to
    • Under the Resources tab
    • Click on Architectural Control
    • After submiting the form, if everything was completed correctly, you should see this message appear just above the “Contact Information” heading at the top of the form:
      “Thank you! Your application has been sent. You will be contacted following review of your application.”

Keep In Touch!
Please keep the POA updated with your current information. This allows us to communicate with you regarding important information, dates and events. A valid street address in the Woods I & II subdivision is required.


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WPOA Board Meetings
Mar 20March WPOA Board Meeting
May 15May WPOA Board Meeting
Jul 24July WPOA Board Meeting

WPOA Board Meetings begin at 6:00PM
at RE/MAX Properties Board Room
3225 University Blvd.

The house number flyers are not being sponsored by the WPOA or the City of Tyler. We encourage members to do their homework before hiring any company to perform work on their property.